Saturday, July 30, 2011

code of conduct for Members of Parliament

Code of Conduct for Members of Rajya Sabha
                                                           Members are informed that the Committee on Ethics in its Fourth Report presented to the Council on the 14th March, 2005 and adopted by it on the      20th April, 2005 had inter alia considered the Code of Conduct for Members enumerated by the Committee in its First Report which was also adopted by the Council.  The Committee felt that the Code was quite comprehensive and endorsed the same.  It recommended that the Code of Conduct may be published in Bulletin Part II on the eve of each Session for information of and compliance by the Members.  Accordingly, the Code of Conduct is reproduced below:

The Members of Rajya Sabha should acknowledge their responsibility to maintain  the  public trust   reposed   in  them  and  should  work diligently to discharge their mandate for the common good of the people.  They must hold in high esteem the Constitution,   the   Law, Parliamentary  Institutions and above all the  general public.    They should constantly strive to  translate the ideals laid down in the  Preamble  to  the  Constitution  into  a reality.   The  following  are the principles which they should abide by in their dealings:

(i)        Members must  not  do  anything that brings  disrepute  to  the Parliament and affects their credibility.

(ii)       Members must utilise their position as Members of Parliament to advance general well-being of the people.

(iii)     In their  dealings  if  Members  find that  there  is  a  conflict  between their  personal  interests  and   the public  trust  which  they hold, they should resolve such a conflict in  a manner  that  their private interests   are subordinated to the duty of their public office.

(iv)      Members should always see that their private financial interests and those of the members of  their immediate family* do not come in conflict  with the  public  interest and if any such conflict ever arises, they should try to  resolve  such  a  conflict  in  a manner  that  the  public interest is not jeopardised.

(v)       Members should never expect or accept any fee, remuneration or benefit for a  vote given or not given by them on  the   floor   of   the   House,  for introducing  a  Bill,  for moving  a resolution or desisting from moving a resolution,  putting  a  question  or abstaining  from asking a question or   participating in the deliberations of the House or a Parliamentary   Committee. 

(vi)      Members should not take a gift which may interfere with honest and impartial discharge of their official duties. They may, however, accept incidental gifts or inexpensive mementoes and customary hospitality. 

(vii)     Members holding public offices should use public resources in such a manner as may lead to public good.

 (viii) If Members are  in  possession of a confidential  information  owing to their  being Members of Parliament or Members of Parliamentary Committees, they should not disclose such information for advancing their personal interests.

(ix)      Members should desist from giving certificates to   individuals   and institutions  of  which  they have no  personal knowledge and are not  based on facts.

(x)       Members should not lend ready support to any cause of which they have no or little knowledge. 

(xi)      Members should not misuse the facilities and amenities made available to them.

(xii)     Members should not be disrespectful to any religion and work          for  the promotion of secular values. 

(xiii)   Members should keep uppermost in their mind the Fundamental  Duties listed    in    Part   IVA   of   the Constitution.
(xiv)    Members are expected to maintain high standards of morality,   dignity, decency and values in public life.

*  Immediate family includes spouse, dependent daughters and dependent sons.

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